Rest in Him

22 10 2008

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. – Psalms 62:1


I know we’ve talked about being too busy for God, but have you ever felt like you’re too busy to rest?  In high-pressure situations, I actually find myself reminding my lungs to breathe!  Does the following phrase sound familiar to you: “Once I finish ______, I’ll have time to rest”.  If we keep waiting, we’ll never find that time.  There will always be something to fill in that blank in the sentence above.


The only rest we will ever find is in Him.  God alone is our comfort, our salvation, and our peace.  Don’t just make time for Him, allow yourself to rest in Him.  Know that no matter what may be thrown your way, nothing is too big for God to handle…so let Him handle it and rest in the promise of His love and protection!

Stop & Listen

16 10 2008

Do you ever forget to breathe during the day?  Is the first item on your to-do list, “find more time”?

I know I’m guilty of allowing the pressures of the world to wear me down.  Sometimes I think the devil figures he can keep us from God by making our lives busy.  My question to you today is, what are you busying yourself with?  I guarantee that if you make the time to listen to God, He’ll plan your day for you.  It’s the times when we don’t think we have time to stop and talk to God or read His word that we truly need Him the most!  So stop whatever you’re busying yourself with currently and take time right now to talk to God and listen for His voice. 


“I will listen to what God the LORD will say; he promises peace to his people”

– Ps 85:8